In 1982, Ferre expanded its mission by adding a groundbreaking community genetics program based in Binghamton, NY. Family building services such as adoption education were added in the 1990’s. In 2002, a preexisting teratogen information service, the Pregnancy Risk Network, merged with Ferre adding another dimension to our mission of providing the most current and balanced medical information to clients facing complex medical decisions.
Ferre Genetics has pioneered a unique approach to comprehensive genetic services. We have been molding the concept of community-based genetics in upstate NY for over 40 years by providing exemplary genetic counseling services to many underserved areas. The term “community-based” is a common descriptor that can hold various meanings within the genetics community. Ours is a true collaborative clinical model that enhances clinical care and forms the foundation for ongoing education of health practitioners by involving the referring practitioner in the genetic evaluation and testing process.
Today, we are proud to serve a community of medical providers that depend on our services in 30 counties of upstate NY. The experienced genetic counselors at Ferre Genetics are committed to integrating genomics, risk stratification, and genotyping as tools in addressing common health conditions. The staff of Ferre Institute includes: the Executive Director, Financial Manager, Project Manager, three Genetic Counselors, two Consulting Genetic Counselors, two Genetic Assistants, a Test Coordinator, and three Schedulers. In addition, Ferre Institute has a Medical Director who supports the Ferre Genetics Program.